News: Constellation Consulting Expanded Collaboration with NMDOH, NUPAC
ALBUQUERQUE, March 8, 2024 – Constellation Consulting is pleased to announce an expanded collaboration with the New Mexico Department of Health’s Nicotine Use Prevention And Control Program (NUPAC).
"Constellation Consulting has been working with NUPAC since 2019 to address nicotine and tobacco use in people experiencing poverty and our behavioral health communities," Erin Marshall, CEO of Constellation Consulting, said. "We are excited to continue this work, as well as expand our work by forming a new coalition addressing nicotine use and abuse in New Mexico."
Through these efforts, Constellation Consulting will also be supporting work with Certified Community Health Workers and behavioral health providers, addressing nicotine and tobacco public policy, as well as convening the Advancing Health Equity Symposium. Funding for this work is provided by the New Mexico Department of Health and is expected through FY27.
Constellation Consulting is a cooperative of consultants in New Mexico with a wide range of skills and experience in: Convening Work Groups and Community Collaboratives; Session Facilitation and Custom Training Development; Strategic Planning and Work Plan Development; Data Evaluation and Logic Model Development; Community Program Development and Implementation; Conference and Event Management; Advocacy/Policy/Lobbying Activities; Diversity/Equity/ Inclusion/Belonging, and Health Equity Program Work; and Health Systems and Systems Change Work. For more information, please visit us online at
The Nicotine Use Prevention and Control Program (NUPAC) of New Mexico and its partners, use a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to promote healthy lifestyles that are free from tobacco abuse and addiction among all New Mexicans. NUPAC follows recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NUPAC's mission is to improve lives by eliminating the harm from tobacco use and nicotine addiction using an anti-oppression framework and effective strategies that reach, involve, and mobilize individuals, organizations, and communities to develop policies, systems, and environmental norms that support nicotine-free lives. For more information, please visit